Death of John Royle
We regret to report that Lt Cdr John Royle RD RNR passed away on Saturday, October 19. Aged 86, he died peacefully, having been taken into the Conquest hospital only the day before with severe anaemia. Our condolences are with his wife Liz and family.

John Royle had a full life and an interesting career, serving in the hydrographic department of the Royal Navy and once coming into Rye Bay on board the survey ship HMS Vidal. Later demobbed and ashore, he became a partner in the architects and surveyors’ practice of Lefevre, Wood and Royle, based in Rye
He kept his interest in the sea throughout his life. He joined the Rye Sea Cadets in about 1967 and served as committee member, chairman and president ever since.
Paul Whiteman writes “He put his expertise to great use on behalf of the Unit in drawing up plans for any building extensions and following these through to supervise the actual building. He was an active member of the Unit Committee, attending nearly all meetings and ceremonial events. He organised our Christmas Punch and Mince Pies event for many years. He was also an active member of the Rye Harbour Sailing Club, competing in local and cross channel races as well as cruising far and near.”
He was a member of HoRAC, the Harbour of Rye Advisory Committee and was maritime consultant for the Rye Conservation Society, reporting regularly on the shipping traffic coming into Rye Wharf. He was knowledgable about many things, a gentle modest man and a friend.
Image Credits: Paul Whiteman , Kenneth Bird .