The Society held its 43rd Annual General meeting at St Mary's Centre on Friday 17 April. Some 50 members and guests attended. Most Executive Committee members were reappointed to their posts, apart from John Pope who stood down after 12 years in the Planning Liaison role and Judith O'Connor who stood down as Secretary. John Griffiths continues as Chairman; Julian Luckett, Chair of the Planning Committee, becomes Vice-Chairman. David Bookless becomes Hon Secretary, Diana Hajikakou is Treasurer, Andy Stuart looks after Membership and Publicity, Wayne Jones takes over Planning Liaison, Mike Slavin, Andrew Bamji and Rae Festing continue as committee members and Mike Stott joins the committee. Awards were made at the conclusion of the meeting. Certificates of merit, for contributing to and improving the appearance of Rye by the excellent presentation of their premises, were awarded to Amanda Bheir of the Café on the Quay, Lucy Forrester of the Café des Fleurs and Scott Brotherton of The Standard Inn. KT and Martin Bruce received a Certificate of Merit for contributing to and improving the appearance of Rye Harbour by the excellent presentation of their house The Saltings, Tram Road, Rye Harbour. A Craftsmanship Award was presented to Southern Gas Networks and to their contractors, CLC Ltd, for the reinstatement of cobbles in Church Square. This was accepted by Daniel Johnston, Rodney Johnston and Ian Kennard of CLC. The Townscape Award 2015 was presented to the Fletcher in Rye CIC for a major contribution to life in Rye by the re-use and refurbishment of the historic schoolrooms as the Kino Digital. Hugh Kermode and Mike Eve accepted this award, and Rob Pollard of Jonathan Dunn architects was also congratulated. Those present adjourned to The Mermaid Inn for a very agreeable Annual Lunch. The email address for the Conservation Society is now ryeconservation@gmail.com. Planning matters can still be raised with ryeconservationsociety@sky.com. The telephone number for the Hon Sec is 07719 283938.