Conservation News Matters
It has been exceptionally cold in Rye for the past few days which made it an excuse for me to snap some photos of Rye in the snow, the famous Mermaid Inn and a view of Lamb House.

On 22nd February Lamb House held an Open Day at which National Trust representatives outlined changes that will be taking place to the way that the building is managed. It will no longer be tenanted as in the recent past but the whole house will be open to the public and the annex (to the right of the house in the above photo) will be a National Trust office selling tickets, NT membership, books and souvenirs. The intention is that Lamb House will be a much more rewarding visitor experience.
At the next RCS Executive meeting we will be discussing the implications of these planned changes upon the neighbours and the citadel in general. Clearly there are concerns that the whole area will become more busy if Lamb House becomes a more popular attraction.
Also at the next meeting the RCS Executive Committee will be discussing our views on the Rye Neighbourhood plan which is going out to consultation. More information concerning the plan will be appearing on this web site soon.
The RCS together with Rye Town Council has funded a refurbishment of the wooden pump surround in Church Square. The two photos below give a good idea of the improvement. We hope to encourage further small scale but useful improvements to the Rye Town environment.

I hope to keep this Conservation Society News blog updated at least monthly.
David Bookless