RCS Awards 2018
Each year the Society likes to make a number of Awards for buildings or works which have improved the appearance of Rye and its surroundings.
The Monastery, a 2017 Award Winner
The Awards will be presented during our Christmas Party in Rye Town Hall on Friday 7 December.
We are therefore inviting nominations for the 2018 Rye Conservation Society Awards.
Proposals will be welcome for the following:
A new building of architectural merit
An alteration or refurbishment of an existing building
The re-use of an historic building for a new purpose
A good example of sensitive redecoration and use of colour
Repair using and demonstrating craft skills.
The 2017 Awards went to the Fig Cafe, the Apothecary and the Monastery.
Please send any suggestions for consideration to Ryeconservation@gmail.com