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New Year Thoughts

We wish all members and friends of the Rye Conservation Society a most Happy and successful New Year.

The end of the New Year saw locally a number of public consultations. One is on the final revisions of the Neighbourhood Plan as it nears the time when it will go to the local electorate for approval. The consultation process which ends on January 11 can be accessed on the Rother Web Site here. A paper copy Version 11 Reg 16 of the Plan can be found in Rye Library.

The Neighbourhood Plan (version 11 Reg 16 and our comments can be accessed on our web site page here)

In November there was an exhibition of the proposed new parking arrangements for Rye which seem to have provoked opposition from many sources. The Society is finalising its comments on the proposals and these will be published on this site very soon.

Overall the Society has favoured a controlled parking system in preference to the current free for all, but we have many concerns about these particular proposals. For details on the Consultation process as published by East Sussex please click here

On other matters we were pleased to learn of the excellent work done by Col. Anthony Kimber and the British Legion in commissioning a stone memorial to mark the existence of the Rye Air Field used by the Royal Flying Corps in 1917/8 during World War 1. The memorial will be sited near the Rugby Club on the footpath to Camber

The Committee has offered a sum of £100 toward the costs of installing the memorial which will help people remember the work of the early pilots of those days who risked their lives in very risky aircraft to defend our shores. In 1917 it was only 14 years after the Wright brothers flew the first plane so the dangers were very great even just getting the planes airborne.

Going forward we will be convening at the end of February a special members meeting to approve changes to our Constitution in the light of problems at the 2018 AGM and our 2019 AGM and Annual Mermaid Lunch will be held after Easter on Friday 17th May.

Finally I was pleased that people seem very happy with the much improved appearance of the Landgate, congratulations are due to the excellent working team involved.

So a Happy New Year to all!

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