Referendum Date for Rye Neighbourhood Plan
Neighbourhood Plan referendum update
Col Kimber updated Rye Council last week on progress on the Neighbourhood Plan. The good news was that following a final long meeting with Rother, the last outstanding matters had been agreed and the date for the town referendum was fixed for Thursday, June 27 with the results being announced the following day. The final version of the Plan is due to be available on line this week, with a hard copy in the library.
Voting cards will be sent out shortly and Col. Kimber was at pains to point out how important it was that people should get out and not just vote, but vote, yes, for the Plan.
It has a number of advantages for Rye: it gives the town more say over the location and nature of future development and, for example, this will help when finally deciding on the future of the sites at the old lower school and Freda Gardham in New Road. It also gives protection to existing green spaces including the allotments and where development is agreed, the town will benefit from an increased share of the CIL contribution that developers have to make to the community.
(taken mainly from Rye News)