RCS Visit to Charleston (Postponed to New Year)
Rye Conservation Society's
Visit to Charleston, Home of the Bloomsbury Group in Sussex
The Conservation Society is organising a coach trip from Rye to Charleston, a National Trust property situated in the South Downs National Park. Charleston was from 1916 the home of artists Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant, who were key members of the Bloomsbury Group in Sussex. We intend to book a guided tour which will enable a group of members to explore Charleston’s house, garden, galleries, shop and cafe. This autumn’s exhibition is Post-Impressionist Living: The Omega Workshop. The date will be Thursday 7 November, leaving Rye station car park at 9.00 am. More information about the Charleston property and activity can be found on their web site
There is a nice cafe where you can buy a snack lunch at your own cost. Please advise if you are likely to want this option. The gift shop could be a good source of Christmas gifts.
Spaces for this tour are limited to thirty, so please book early as below
The cost of the tour and the coach will be £30 to include welcoming tea or coffee and biscuits.
Please send cheques made out to “Rye Conservation Society” for the above amount per person to David Bookless, 3 Faraday House, The Mint, Rye TN31 7EW by Friday 25 October.