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2020 AGM is Announced for 26 November 2021

The rather delayed AGM of the Rye Conservation Society will be held on Friday 26 November at 11.00 a.m. in the St Mary's Centre. This meeting is open to all paid up members of the Society


1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of the AGM held on 17 May 2019

3. Matters arising

4. Reports from the Chairman and Officers; other reports

5. Treasurer’s Report and approval of Accounts for the year 2020 (Section 2.4)

6. Elections: Executive Officers and Committee Members. (See note 1)

The Committee wishes to re-appoint, Kenneth Bird as Vice-President.

7. Resolution: Committee to proposes to update the Constitution of the Society to adopt a new form of governance creating a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) in accordance with Charity Commission guidelines and report recommendations for approval at the next AGM in 2022. (Note this change would bring the Society into line with other similar bodies.)

8. Any Other Business (see note 2)


1. Any member who wishes to nominate another member for the Executive Committee should apply to the Hon Secretary for a nomination form, which must be returned to him at least fourteen days before the meeting.

2. Any member wishing to raise a matter under Any Other Business must notify the Hon Secretary at least fourteen days before the meeting.

An Annual Report will be distributed to members prior to the AGM

The AGM will be followed by a luncheon in the Mermaid Inn, starting at 12.30 and consisting of a three course meal and complimentary glass of wine. The lunch will cost £30.00 and is open to members and guests. Numbers are limited.


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