An Update from the Chairman
I am writing to apologise for the lack of updates to this site, but as many of you probably know I have been quite ill with kidney and other problems. I had to go to hospital in December and only returned home to rehabilitate last month. I must thank the nurses and medical staff in a number of hospitals including the Rye Memorial Hospital for looking after me and getting me to this stage. I hope that I shall slowly get more active as we get into Summer and am being helped in this by my partner Heather who is doing all the household chores.
Of course during my absence the whole country has gone into lockdown and Rye looks so different that I feel I've been absent a very long time. Meetings are no longer able to held except by using technologies such as Zoom and Whats App and this has affected all organisations in Rye including the Conservation Society. I have found Rye News extremely helpful in keeping at least somewhat up to date with local matters and congratulate the editors and staff.
Normally we would have had an AGM and Annual dinner by now but these are deferred to hopefully more normal times. In the meantime Julian Luckett, as Chair of Planning and Vice Chairman of the Society has been holding the fort and maintaining our profile in these difficult times. He has been helped by our Committee and using e,mail the Society continues to function.
Unfortunately during my absence we have lost two of our most senior officers. John Griffiths our previous Chairman and honorary President died in April after a short illness. There is an obituary here which highlights his distinguished life especially in the field of architecture. We shall miss his contributions to the Society and his friendship plus knowledge.
Just last week I learned of the death of our Vice President, John Pope who I found a charming, gentle and very helpful man. This came as shock, there will be an obituary in Rye News and I will post a copy on this site.
I hope to bring this site up to date over the coming weeks and wish all members well in these trying times. Stay Safe.
David Bookless, Chairman