Churchfields Development at Rye Harbour
The Conservation Society has sent a letter of objection to this planning application RR/2020/1044/P which can be read here.
Given that the site is adjacent to a Site of Special Scientific Interest and a Special Protection Area we believe as stated in our letter that the additional noise and flood-lighting would be damaging to the environment and impact on biodiversity for which reasons the application should be refused.
In addition, this planning application would increase HGV traffic through and around Rye, there is a request for 24-hour operation, noise and dust pollution, light pollution,spilled aggregate on the highway, increased wear on the Harbour Road, ....... the list is long and damning.
Last but not least we are concerned about increased use of the junction between Harbour Road and the A259, if there are no improvements made to the road lay out, as this picture shows (from Rye News) there is already plenty of traffic.
We recognise the importance of good employment for residents in the town, but all proposals should conform to good planning practice and there is local concern that the company has not obeyed the existing planing agreements.
There are many heartfelt on-line complaints and adverse comments from Harbour residents which can be looked at on the Rother planning site, here.