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AGM held at St Mary's Centre

The Society held its long delayed AGM at the St Mary's Centre on Friday 26 November which on a cold damp day still attracted around forty members who were given updates of the activities of the Society by the Chairman and members of the Executive.

Four members of the Committee were standing down, Julian Luckett who had been chair of the Planning Committee for the past eleven years felt it was time for some new eyes in this role, but in his address gave a fascinating summary of the new planning changes and the new changes at Rother. Rae Festing has recently reached the milestone of 90 and after many years of serving the Society and organising social events has entered deserved retirement. Allan Thomson has been with the Society for four years but has recently moved away from Rye to Scotland so although promising to stay in touch has resigned from the Committee. Finally Wayne Jones who has been our liaison man with Rother Council has decided to do other things although he agreed to help us for the time being, he will no longer be on the Committee.

The Society is seeking to recruit further committee members to assist and promote the running of the Society, in particular to consider the various planning issues with which we are faced.

The following are elected to the Committee for the coming year:

David Bookless, Chairman

Tim Gorman Secretary

Andy Stuart Membership and Publicity

Diana Hajikakou Treasurer

Col Colkin Committee member

Stuart Harland Committee member

John Spencer Committee member

Michael Stott Committee member

Alan Dickinson is our historical consultant.

We have two Vice Presidents:

Kenneth Bird

Julian Luckett

David Andrews was reappointed auditor.

Following the AGM the Society held an enjoyable luncheon in the Mermaid Inn attended by around thirty six members.


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