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Conservation Society Christmas Gathering 9 December in Rye Town Hall 6.00pm

We will soon be in the Christmas season which is the reason for this short Newsletter as we are holding our first Christmas gathering since 2019 in Rye Town Hall on Friday 9 December and very much hope to see a good turn out of members and friends for mince pies, drinks and good conversation. We have invited Andi Rivett, the Rye Town Mayor, Sally-Ann Hart MP for Rye & Hastings, Keith Glazier, Leader of East Sussex CC, and local Rother councillors. In the past we have presented our Townscape Awards at the Christmas Party, but this time that will be deferred until our AGM in May to leave more time for consideration and nominations from members. If you see any building conversions or developments that particularly appeal to you then please get in touch with the Society. Payment for the Party will be at the door, £5 for members cash or cheque. We will also be happy to collect subscriptions for the coming year for members renewing or from new members

You can download the details here:



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