Preservation . Protection . Pride
Rye Conservation Society
Rye Conservation Society exists to safeguard our historic town and to preserve its special and distinctive character. Living or working in a Conservation Area of national significance places responsibility on all of us - residents and businesses alike. Modern life and environmental pressures require change; our challenge is to ensure this takes place sympathetically, in keeping with our rich architectural heritage.
Our Planning Committee meets every two weeks to review local planning applications and provide feedback on these to Rother District Council and to local councillors. Follow local issues we are involved with and alert us to others by adding your comments on our News page.
Our Aims:
To safeguard, preserve and enhance Rye and its surroundings.
To provide a forum for discussion of issues impacting on the local environment.
To raise awareness of green and environmental issues in a historic town.
To provide information and advice on the maintenance and repair of listed and non-listed buildings.

By subscribing to our newsletter, your email will be stored securely and used only for contact with you regarding matters of the RCS. You details will never be shared with third parties and if at any time you wish to have them removed from our system you can do this by emailing ryeconservation@gmail.com