Rye Conservation Society 500 and Counting
In March the Conservation Society held its 500th Executive Committee meeting which for a small organisation in Rye is quite an...

RYE & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Press Release: RYE BLOOMS Rye & District Chamber of Commerce are putting together plans to give Rye a...

Landgate Problems
Back in October 2018 there was a serious clean up of the Landgate which had been suffering from years of neglect and was covered in...
Rother Consults on Future Plans
Consultation on Draft Rother District Council’s Corporate Plan Rother District Council has invited local organisations to have your say...

Bits and Pieces
A little bit late but I would like to wish all members and visitors to this site a Happy New Year and a fervent hope that the world will...

Churchfields Development at Rye Harbour
The Conservation Society has sent a letter of objection to this planning application RR/2020/1044/P which can be read here. Given that...

High Street Parking and Related Issues
We are still living in difficult times as although some businesses are returning, things are from the way they were. Its good that there...

East Sussex High Street Initiative
Some thoughts on short term measures to improve the High Street, given that road closure/pedestrianisation is off the agenda. We had...

CPE Coming to the High Street and Citadel
If you’ve been out and about the streets of Rye recently, you may have spotted that a rash of strange symbols and markings has appeared...

Busy Time For Planners
May and June are proving to be busy months for planning applications and there is a deal of controversy concerning a few of them. On a...